Principal Scientist, EMCDDA

Principal Scientist, EMCDDA

Linda Montanari is a health sociologist working at the European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction (EMCDDA) a principal scientist since 2000. Within the centre, she coordinates three key areas: gender and drugs, prison and drugs and psychiatric comorbidity. In the area of gender her work aims at systematically integrate a gender perspective in European drug monitoring. She has established and coordinates the European Group on Gender and Drugs (EDG) with experts from national and international organizations, private and public sectors. Within the EDG, she has coordinated the Gender and Drugs Conference held in November 2022 and is now preparing the organisation of the next side event on 22 October 2024 as side event of the LX Addiction conference.

At the EMCDDA she also coordinates an internal group with staff representatives from all internal units aimed at including a gender equality, diversity and inclusion perspective in the organisation. 

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