First National Women’s Forum on Addiction and Recovery
On March 8, 2022, the Turkish Green Crescent Society, in partnership with the Ministry of Family and Social Services and the Alcohol and Substance Treatment Center (AMATEM), hosted the "First National Forum on Women's Addiction and Recovery." This online event attracted up to 300 attendees and featured esteemed experts who provided valuable insights into the stigma and discrimination that women encounter in the realm of substance addiction, as well as the barriers they face when seeking treatment. These experts approach the issue from various, yet complementary, perspectives.

Challenges In Family Support for Women
Psychologist Melike Şimşek delved into the impact of gender roles and responsibilities within families on women with substance use disorders, highlighting how these factors can sometimes impede their access to treatment. Additionally, Şimşek noted that the level of family support for adult women struggling with addiction is only half that of men.
Dr. Başak Ünübol, focusing on female patients in AMATEM clinics, underscored that merely 5.21% of those undergoing inpatient treatment at AMATEM are women. She emphasizes that the fear of losing their children or spouses and the
requirement for their husband's consent are significant obstacles for women seeking treatment. Ünübol also pointed out that women with such concerns often refrain from reporting their problems or even decline treatment altogether.
Elmas Tokmak, a Social Services Specialist from the Ministry of Family and Social Services, briefed participants on the services available to women with addiction and provided information about guesthouses and legal processes administered by the Ministry of Family and Social Services.
Facing Daily Emerging Challenges
Dr. Esra Albayrak, a member of the Yeşilay Board of Directors, delivered the closing remarks, emphasizing that the forum's key outcomes laid a solid foundation for future meetings and initiatives. Albayrak underscored that women worldwide encounter new challenges daily, and women with substance use disorders confront specific hurdles in treatment and rehabilitation. She urged action to address the complex issues arising at the intersection of women's identities and addiction.