Director of Biostatistics at the Recovery Research Institute and Assistant Professor at Harvard Medical School

Director of Biostatistics at the Recovery Research Institute and Assistant Professor at Harvard Medical School

Emily A. Hennessy is Associate Director of Biostatistics at the Recovery Research Institute, Associate Director of the National Youth Center on Prevention, Treatment, and Recovery, and Assistant Professor at Harvard Medical School. Dr. Hennessy was a Fulbright Scholar to Norway where she completed a Master of Philosophy in Health Promotion at the University of Bergen and focused on adolescent well-being. She completed her Ph.D. in Community Research and Action at Vanderbilt University and her postdoctoral fellowship at the University of Connecticut in the Systematic Health Action Research Program Lab. Dr. Hennessy’s research examines factors associated with health behavior change among adolescents, with a recovery capital lens that focuses on strengths and addressing system-level barriers. Her primary area of research, examining adolescent substance use disorder recovery, is funded by a K01 career development award from the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism. In this work, she examines recovery capital, social networks, and stigma to understand factors that support or get in the way of adolescent recovery processes. She also has several related funded projects that evaluate the effect of specific programs on adolescent outcomes.

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